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Mgr. Martin Pusztai, Ph.D.

assistant professor
Consulting hours

dle domluvy

phycology, botany, environmental microbiology
  • Professional CV


    2021: Ph.D. – Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta (dále jen PřF UK), obor Botanika, Thesis: Elucidating the evolution and diversity of colonial chrysophytes

    2018: STARS program PřF UK na podporu talentovaných PhD studentů

    2014: Mgr. – PřF UK, obor Biologie, Téma: Úloha mikrobiotopů v časo-prostorové diferenciaci společenstev fytoplanktonních bičíkovců



    od 2022: Odborný asistent (A3) – Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta přírodovědně-humanitní a pedagogická TUL

    od 2019: Výzkumný pracovník (C2) – Technická univerzita v Liberci, Ústav pro nanomateriály, pokročilé technologie a inovace, Odd. Aplikované biologie

    od 2017: Výzkumný pracovník (VP1) – Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Katedra botaniky



    2009: International Summer Science School Heidelberg, EMBL, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research (4 týdny).

  • Publications

    Article with indexation
    1. MALAVASI, V., PUSZTAI, M., JADRNÁ, I., ŠKVOROVÁ, Z. a ŠKALOUD, P., 2024. Morphological diversity and phylogeny of the palmelloid chrysophyte genera Chrysotilos and Globulochrysis, gen. nov. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY. 59(3), 279-289. ISSN 0967-0262.
    2. ŠKALOUD, P., JADRNÁ, I., DVOŘÁK, P., ŠKVOROVÁ, Z., PUSZTAI, M., ČERTNEROVÁ, D., BESTOVÁ, H. a RENGEFORS, K., 2024. Rapid diversification of a free-living protist is driven by adaptation to climate and habitat. CURRENT BIOLOGY. 34(1), 92 - 105.e6. ISSN 0960-9822.
    3. PUSZTAI, M., ŠKALOUD, P. a JADRNÁ, I., 2023. Elucidating the phylogeny and taxonomic position of the genus Spiniferomonas Takahashi (Chrysophyceae). FOTTEA. 23(2), 217-222. ISSN 1802-5439.
    4. PUSZTAI, M. a ŠKALOUD, P., 2022. Species delimitation within the colonial flagellates Uroglena, Uroglenopsis and Urostipulosphaera (Chrysophyceae). EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY. 57(1), ISSN 0967-0262.
    5. PUSZTAI, M., ŠKALOUD, P., ELIÁŠ, M. a BARCYTE, D., 2022. When you Like Other Algae: Adglutina synurophila gen. et sp. nov. (Moewusinia, Chlorophyceae), a Clingy Green Microalga Associated with Synura Colonies. Protist. 173(2), ISSN 1434-4610.
    Registrable paper
    1. DOHNÁLEK, P., JIRKOVSKÝ, J., HULSWIT SÁZAVSKÁ, T., ŠUBRT, J., PUMPR, V., BÍBOVÁ, H., JAKUBIČKOVÁ, M. a PUSZTAI, M., 2020. Development of innovative photoactive admixtures for concrete and cement-based plaster finishes, to create self-cleaning surfaces. 1. vyd. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd. ISBN 978-303571668-9.
    Specialised map
    1. PRUDIL, J., PETERKA, F., ŠEVCŮ, A., BOBČÍKOVÁ, K., PUSZTAI, M., ŠUBRT, J., JIRKOVSKÝ, J., KUBÁLEK, R. a BAREŠ, M., 2022. Mapa zateplených panelových domů napadených řasami na území ČR.
  • Currently supervised final theses
    • Džuvarovská Lucie | Bachelor thesis | 2.9.2024
      Vegetation of the Jizera valley near Mladá Boleslav
    • Büttner David | Bachelor thesis | 2.9.2024
      Occurrence and dynamics of Cameraria ohridella damage to Aesculus hippocastanum leaves in the alleyways of Dokesko
    • Honíšková Kristýna | Bachelor thesis | 2.9.2024
      Diversity of phytoplankton in newly created pools in the Liberec Region
    • Vondráčková Veronika | Bachelor thesis | 26.8.2024
      Flora of Doksy - comparison of protected and unprotected biotopes
    Defended final thesis
    Bachelor thesis
    Master thesis
    The list of theses is empty...
  • Schedule

    Academic year 2024/2025
    Winter semester
    • KBE/ZSRO (-)
      Basics of plant taxonomy for OPŽP | 08:50 - 14:05
    • KBE/MBP (T-T205)
      Motivational biological experiments | 14:20 - 17:45
    • KBE/ZSRO (-)
      Basics of plant taxonomy for OPŽP | 08:50 - 10:25
    • KBE/ZSR (T-T401)
      Fundamentals of Plant Systematics | 14:20 - 15:55
    • KBE/ZSRO (T-T401)
      Basics of plant taxonomy for OPŽP | 14:20 - 15:55
    • KBE/ZSR (T-T205)
      Fundamentals of Plant Systematics | 12:30 - 14:05
    • KBE/MBP (T-T401)
      Motivational biological experiments | 12:30 - 19:35
    • KBE/RZSR (T-T201)
      Fundamentals of Plant Systematics | 08:50 - 15:55
    • KBE/ZSR (T-T201)
      Fundamentals of Plant Systematics | 08:50 - 15:55
    • KBE/RZSR (T-T201)
      Fundamentals of Plant Systematics | 16:10 - 19:35
    • KBE/ZSR (T-T201)
      Fundamentals of Plant Systematics | 16:10 - 19:35
    Summer semester
    • KBE/BZM (T-T205)
      Botany and the basics of mycology | 08:50 - 10:25
    • KBE/BZM (T-T205)
      Botany and the basics of mycology | 12:30 - 14:05
    • KBE/BZM (T-T401)
      Botany and the basics of mycology | 14:20 - 15:55
    • KBE/BZM (T-T205)
      Botany and the basics of mycology | 08:50 - 15:05
    • KBE/BZM (T-T205)
      Botany and the basics of mycology | 15:10 - 15:55
    • KBE/BZM (-)
      Botany and the basics of mycology | 08:50 - 12:15
    • KBE/BZM (-)
      Botany and the basics of mycology | 12:30 - 15:55